Big Data & Machine Learning Cloud OnBoard 1 2 1 Cloud computing is a continuation of a long-term 3 shift in how computing resources are managed 2 5 3 First Generation 6 Cloud Virtualized 5 7 data centers 6 First Wave 8 You don’t rent hardware and 7 Server on-premises space, but still control and configure virtual 9 You own everything. machines. Pay for what 8 you provision. It is yours to manage. 10 9 11 2000 Next 10 12 11 13 1980s Now 12 14 13 Second Wave Third Wave Data centers Managed service 15 14 You pay for the hardware Completely elastic storage, 16 15 but rent the space. processing, and machine Still yours to manage. learning so that you can 1716 invest your energy in great apps. Pay for what you use. 17 18 Big Data & Machine Learning 1 2 Agenda 3 5 What is Google Cloud Platform 6 7 Google Cloud Big Data products 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2