Big Data & Machine Learning Cloud OnBoard 1 2 1 Module review 3 2 5 3 Match the use case on the left with the product on the right 6 5 7 6 8 Global consistency needed 1. Datalab 7 9 8 High-throughput writes of wide-column data 2. BigTable 10 9 11 10 Warehousing structured data 3. BigQuery 12 11 13 Develop Big Data algorithms interactively in Python 4. Spanner 12 14 13 15 14 16 15 1716 17 18 Big Data & Machine Learning Cloud OnBoard 1 2 1 Module review 3 2 5 3 Match the use case on the left with the product on the right 6 5 7 6 8 Global consistency needed (4) 1. Datalab 7 9 8 High-throughput writes of wide-column data (2) 2. BigTable 10 9 11 10 Warehousing structured data (3) 3. BigQuery 12 11 13 Develop Big Data algorithms interactively in Python (1) 4. Spanner 12 14 13 15 14 16 15 1716 17 18 49

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