Big Data & Machine Learning Cloud OnBoard 1 2 In terms of hardware, Google Cloud has the largest cloud network, with 1 over 100 points of presence, and 100,000s of miles of fiber optic cable. 3 2 5 3 6 5 FASTER (US, JP, TW) 2016 7 6 8 7 9 8 10 9 11 Unity (US, JP) 2010 10 12 PLCN (HK, LA) 2019 11 SJC (JP, HK, SG) 2013 13 12 14 Monet (US, BR) 2017 13 Network 15 Network sea cable investments 14 Junior (Rio, Santos) 2017 16 Edge points of presence >100 15 Tannat (BR, UY, AR) 2017 1716 Edge node locations >1000 Indigo (SG, ID, AU) 2019 17 18 Big Data & Machine Learning Cloud OnBoard 1 2 The network connects 15 regions, 1 with 3 more coming 3 2 5 3 6 3 Finland 5 Netherlands 7 2 2 6 London 3 Oregon 3 3 3 Frankfurt 8 3 7 Iowa 4 3 Montreal Belgium 9 3 Los Angeles 3 3 N Virginia 8 Tokyo 3 S Carolina 10 9 HongKong 3 3 Taiwan 11 33 10 Mumbai 12 11 2 Singapore 13 12 14 13 Future region and 3 15 number of zones 14 3 Sydney Current region and São Paulo 16 15 number of zones 1716 17 18 4