Big Data & Machine Learning 1 2 Agenda 3 5 Fast random access 6 7 Warehouse and interactively query petabytes 8 Interactive, iterative development + Demo 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Big Data & Machine Learning Cloud OnBoard 1 2 1 Choosing where to store data on GCP 3 2 5 3 6 5 Ne unstructured structured e d 7 MOBILE 6 SDKs 8 7 Transactional Data analytics 9 8 Cloud workload workload 10 Firebase 9 Storage Storage No-SQL Millisecond 11 SQL Latency 10 12 Cloud 11 One Ne Bigtable e d Cloud dat ab ase 13 MOBILE 12 SQL en o ugh SDKs 14 13 Latency in 15 Cloud Horizontal seconds 14 Cloud Spanner scalability Firebase BigQuery 16 15 Realtime DB Datastore 1716 17 18 36