Over 280 policies help administrators control how employees use Chrome across devices. For example, administrators can enable automatic—updates—to—get—the—latest—security—ixes,—block—or—allow— speciic—apps,—and—conigure—support—for—legacy—browsers. Chrome device management The Google Admin Console applies policy to Chrome devices such as Chromebooks, Chromeboxes, and Chromebox for Meetings, which are—fast,—secure,—and—cost-efective—computers—that—run—Chrome—as— an operating system. Administrators can easily manage security and other settings for their organization’s Chrome devices from a single place.—They—can—conigure—Chrome—features—for—their—users,—set—up— access to VPNs and WiFi networks, pre-install apps and extensions, restrict sign-in to certain users, and more. An administrator can restore Data Recovery a user’s Drive or Gmail data Restore a recently deleted user for up to 25 days after date of deletion. After 25 days, An administrator can restore a deleted user account for up to Google permanently deletes ive—days—after—date—of—deletion.—After—ive—days,—the—Admin—console— permanently deletes the user account, and it can’t be restored, the user data, and it can’t be even if you contact Google technical support. Please note that only restored, even if you contact customer Administrators can delete accounts. technical support. Restore a user’s Drive or Gmail data An administrator can restore a user’s Drive or Gmail data for up to 25 days after the data is removed from the user’s trash. After 25 days, the data cannot be restored, even if you contact technical support. Google will delete all Customer-deleted data from its systems as soon as reasonably practicable and within a maximum period of 180 days. Security reports G Suite administrators have access to security reports that provide vital information on their organization’s exposure to data compromise. They can quickly discover which particular users pose security risks by—eschewing—2-step—veriication,—installing—external—apps,—or—sharing— 22