like alien and zombie invasions. Our highly redundant design has allowed Google to achieve an uptime of 99.984% for Gmail for the last years with no scheduled downtime. Simply put, when Google needs to service or upgrade our platform, users do not experience downtime or maintenance windows. Service availability Some of Google’s services may not be available in some jurisdictions. Often these interruptions are temporary due to network outages, but others are permanent due to government-mandated blocks. Google’s Transparency Report also shows recent and ongoing disruptions of traic to Google products. We provide this data to help the public analyze and understand the availability of online information. Independent Third- Party—Certiications Google’s—customers—and—regulators—expect—independent—veriication—of— our security, privacy, and compliance controls. In order to provide this, we undergo several independent third-party audits on a regular basis. For each one, an independent auditor examines our data centers, infrastructure, and operations. Regular audits are conducted to certify our compliance with the auditing standards ISO 27001, ISO 27017, ISO 27018, SOC 2 and SOC 3, as well as with the US Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program ”FedRAMP).—When—customers—consider—G—Suite,—these—certiications—can—help— them—conirm—that—the—product—suite—meets—their—security,—compliance—and— data processing needs. ISO 27001 ISO 27001 is one of the most widely recognized and accepted independent security standards. Google has earned it for the systems, technology, processes, and data centers that run G Suite. Our compliance with the international—standard—was—certiied—by—Ernst—&—Young—CertifyPoint,—an—ISO— certiication—body—accredited—by—the—Dutch—Accreditation—Council—”a—member— of—the—International—Accreditation—Forum,—or—IAF).—Our—ISO—27001—certiicate— and scoping document are available in here. 10