Data Usage Our philosophy G Suite customers own their data, not Google. The data that G Suite organizations and users put into our systems is theirs, and we do not scan it—for—advertisements—nor—sell—it—to—third—parties.—We—ofer—our—customers—a— detailed data processing amendment that describes our commitment to protecting customer data. Furthermore, if customers delete their data, we commit to deleting it from our systems within 180 days. Finally, we provide tools that make it easy for customer administrators to take their data with them if they choose to stop using our services, without penalty or additional cost imposed by Google. No advertising in G Suite There is no advertising in the G Suite Core Services, and we have no plans to change this in the future. Google does not collect, scan or use data in G Suite Core Services for advertising purposes. Customer administrators can restrict access to Non-Core Services from the Google Admin—console.—Google—indexes—customer—data—to—provide—beneicial— services,—such—as—spam—iltering,—virus—detection,—spellcheck—and—the—ability—to— search—for—emails—and—iles—within—an—individual—account. Data Access and Restrictions Administrative access To keep data private and secure, Google logically isolates each customer’s G Suite data from that of other customers and users, even when it’s stored on the same physical server. Only a small group of Google employees have access to customer data. For Google employees, access rights and levels are based on their job function and role, using the concepts of least-privilege and—need-to-know—to—match—access—privileges—to—deined—responsibilities.— Google employees are only granted a limited set of default permissions to access company resources, such as employee email and Google’s internal employee portal. Requests for additional access follow a formal process that involves a request and an approval from a data or system owner, manager, or other executives, as dictated by Google’s security policies. 12