Empowering Users and Administrators to Improve Security and Compliance Google builds security into its structure, technology, operations and approach to customer data. Our robust security infrastructure and systems become the default for each and every G Suite customer. But beyond these levels, users are actively empowered to enhance and customize their individual security settings to meet their business needs through dashboards—and—account—security—wizards.—G—Suite—also—ofers—administrators— full—control—to—conigure—infrastructure,—applications—and—system—integrations— in a single dashboard via our Admin console — regardless of the size of the organization.—This—approach—simpliies—administration—and—coniguration.— Consider deployment of DKIM (a phishing prevention feature) in an on- premise—email—system.—Administrators—would—need—to—patch—and—conigure— every—server—separately,—and—any—misconiguration—would—cause—a—service— outage.—Using—our—Admin—console,—DKIM—is—conigured—in—minutes—across— thousands or hundreds of thousands of accounts with peace of mind and no outage or maintenance window required. Administrators have many powerful tools at their disposal, such as authentication features like 2-step—veriication—and—single—sign-on,—and—email—security—policies—like— secure—transport—”TLS)—enforcement,—which—can—be—conigured—by— organizations to meet security and system integration requirements. Below are some key features that can help customize G Suitefor your security and compliance needs: User authentication/authorization features 2-step—veriication 2-step veriication adds an extra layer of security to G Suite accounts by requiring—users—to—enter—a—veriication—code—in—addition—to—their—username— and password when they sign in. This can greatly reduce the risk of unauthorized—access—if—a—user’s—password—is—compromised.—Veriication— codes are delivered on a one-time basis to a user’s Android, BlackBerry, iPhone, or other mobile phone. Administrators can choose to turn on 2-step—veriication—for—their—domain—at—any—time. 16