MYTH #5: Video is watched solely to gain awareness REALITY #5: B2B researchers watch video during the entire path to purchase Online video is where we’ve seen the most growth. Seventy percent of B2B buyers and researchers are watching videos throughout their path to purchase. That’s a 52% jump in only two years. And it’s not just light viewing. According to U.S. YouTube data, over 895K hours of some of the top B2B videos from brands were watched in 2014. Nearly half of these researchers are viewing 30 minutes or more of B2B-related videos during their research process, and almost one in five watch over an hour of content. Average Watchtime of B2B-Related Videos 30+ 60+ minutes minutes 48 20 % % 1:00:00 / 1:17:13 Source: Google/Millward Brown Digital, B2B Path to Purchase Study 2014, Google Internal Data. What's got their attention? Videos about product features top the list, followed by how-tos and professional reviews. They’re watching the videos that appear on YouTube because they find them highly useful. These videos are also helping extend the conversation: When asked what they did after watching, B2B researchers said they talked to colleagues, looked for more information, visited a brand's website/store or shared the video. Start to finish, videos are playing an increasing role for these researchers. That means you need to be producing content that helps them learn about, compare and research their B2B purchases. 7