Big Data & Machine Learning Cloud OnBoard 1 2 1 Choose your storage solution based on your access pattern 3 2 5 Cloud 3 Storage Cloud SQL Datastore Bigtable BigQuery 6 5 7 Capacity Petabytes + Gigabytes Terabytes Petabytes Petabytes 6 8 7 9 Access Like files in a Relational Persistent Key-value(s), Relational 8 metaphor file system database Hashmap HBase API 10 9 Have to copy to Filter objects 11 Read SELECT rows scan rows SELECT rows 10 local disk on property 12 11 Write One file INSERT row put object put row Batch/stream 13 12 14 13 Update An object Field Attribute Row Field granularity (a “file”) 15 14 No-ops, high 16 No-ops SQL Structured Interactive SQL* 15 Usage Store blobs database on data from throughput, querying fully the cloud AppEngine apps scalable, managed warehouse 1716 flattened data 17 18 Big Data & Machine Learning Cloud OnBoard 1 2 1 Cloud SQL is a fully managed database service 3 2 5 3 Flexible pricing 6 5 7 Familiar 6 8 7 9 Managed backups 8 10 Cloud SQL 9 Google-managed 11 Automatic replication 10 MySQL or Postgres 12 11 Fast connection from GCE & GAE 13 12 14 13 Connect from anywhere 15 14 16 15 Google Security 1716 17 18 28