Restricted email delivery By default, users with Gmail accounts at your domain can send mail to and receive mail from any email address. However, in some cases, administrators may want to restrict the email addresses your users can exchange mail with. For example, a school might want to allow its students to exchange mail with the faculty and other students, but not with people outside of the school. Use the Restrict delivery setting to allow the sending or receiving of email messages only from addresses or domains that administrators specify. When administrators add a Restrict delivery setting, users cannot communicate with anyone, except those authorized. Users who attempt to send mail to a domain not listed will see a message that speciies—a—policy—prohibiting—mail—to—that—address,—conirming—that—the—mail—is—unsent.—Users— receive only authenticated messages from listed domains. Messages sent from unlisted domainsȃor—messages—from—listed—domains—that—can’t—be—veriied—using—DKIM—or—SPF— records—are returned to the sender with a message about the policy. eDiscovery features eDiscovery allows organizations to stay prepared in case of lawsuits and other legal matters. Google Vault is the eDiscovery solution for G Suite that lets customers retain, archive, search and—export—their—business—Gmail.—Administrators—can—also—search—and—export—iles—stored—in— Google Drive. Email retention policy Retention rules control how long certain messages in your domain are retained before they are removed from user mailboxes and expunged from all Google systems. G Suite allows you to set a default retention rule for your entire domain. For more advanced implementations, Google Vault allows administrators to create custom retention rules to—retain—speciic—content.—This—advanced—coniguration—allows—administrators—to—specify— the number of days to retain messages, whether to delete them permanently after their retention—periods,—whether—to—retain—messages—with—speciic—labels,—and—whether—to—let—users— manage email deletion themselves. Legal holds Google Vault allows administrators to place legal holds on users to preserve all their emails and—on-the-record—chats—indeinitely—in—order—to—meet—legal—or—other—retention—obligations.— You—can—place—legal—holds—on—all—content—in—a—user’s—account,—or—target—speciic—content—based— on dates and terms. If a user deletes messages that are on hold, the messages are removed from the user’s view, but they are not deleted from Google servers until the hold is removed. Search/discovery Google Vault allows administrators to search Gmail and Drive accounts by user account, organizational unit, date or keyword. Search results include email, on-the-record chats, Google—ile—types—and—non-Google—ile—types—such—as—PDF,—DOCX—and—JPG. 20