Introduction The growth of the cloud has thrust the issue of security and trust into Cloud—computing—ofers—many— advantages and conveniences the—spotlight.—That’s—because—cloud—services—operate—very—diferently—from— traditional on-premises technology. Rather than residing on local servers, for today’s organizations. content is now managed on Google servers that are part of our global Employees can work together data center network. In the past, organizations felt that they had complete control over how infrastructure was run and who operated it. Organizations in documents in real time from moving to the cloud will rely on cloud suppliers to manage the infrastructure, their phone or tablet from any operations, and delivery of services. In this new world, companies will still control company data, but via cloud-based tools and dashboards. location, and communicate Rather than only using desktop computers, users can now access work instantly with teammates via iles—on—their—personal—mobile—devices.—Customers—must—assess—whether—the— security controls and compliance of any cloud solution meet their individual video, voice, instant message, requirements. Customers must therefore understand how these solutions or email. No longer tied protect and process their data. The goal of this whitepaper is to provide an introduction to Google’s technology in the context of security and compliance. to a single machine, they have the freedom to work As a cloud pioneer, Google fully understands the security implications of the cloud model. Our cloud services are designed to deliver better security than together from anywhere, many traditional on-premises solutions. We make security a priority to protect using any device they choose. our own operations, but because Google runs on the same infrastructure that we—make—available—to—our—customers,—your—organization—can—directly—beneit— Meanwhile, their employers from these protections. That’s why we focus on security, and protection of don’t shoulder the cost or data is among our primary design criteria. Security drives our organizational structure, training priorities and hiring processes. It shapes our data centers burden of maintaining servers and the technology they house. It’s central to our everyday operations and and constantly updating disaster planning, including how we address threats. It’s prioritized in the way we handle customer data. And it’s the cornerstone of our account controls, software. It’s no surprise, then, our—compliance—audits—and—the—certiications—we—ofer—our—customers.—— that so many organizations This paper outlines Google’s approach to security and compliance for around the world are storing G—Suite,—our—cloud-based—productivity—suite.—Used—by—more—than—ive—million— their information and getting organizations worldwide, from large banks and retailers with hundreds of thousands of people to fast-growing startups, G Suite and G Suite for work done in the cloud.Education includes Gmail, Calendar, Groups, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Hangouts, Sites, Talk, Contacts and Google Vault. G Suite is designed to help teams—work—together—in—new,—more—eicient—ways,—no—matter—where—members— are located or what device they happen to be using. This whitepaper will be divided into two main sections: security and compliance. The security section will include details on organizational and technical controls regarding how Google protects your data. The second section on compliance will cover how your data is processed and details on how organizations can meet regulatory requirements. 1