Google Has a Strong Security Culture Google has created a vibrant and inclusive security culture for—all—employees.—The—inluence—of—this—culture—is—apparent— during the hiring process, employee onboarding, as part of ongoing training and in company-wide events to raise awareness. Employee background checks Before—they—join—our—staf,—Google—will—verify—an—individual’s—education—and— previous employment, and perform internal and external reference checks. Where local labor law or statutory regulations permit, Google may also conduct criminal, credit, immigration, and security checks. The extent of these background checks is dependent on the desired position. Security training for all employees All Google employees undergo security training as part of the orientation process and receive ongoing security training throughout their Google careers. During orientation, new employees agree to our Code of Conduct, which highlights our commitment to keep customer information safe and secure.—Depending—on—their—job—role,—additional—training—on—speciic—aspects— of security may be required. For instance, the information security team instructs new engineers on topics like secure coding practices, product design and automated vulnerability testing tools. Engineers also attend technical presentations on security-related topics and receive a security newsletter that covers new threats, attack patterns, mitigation techniques and more. Internal security and privacy events Google hosts regular internal conferences to raise awareness and drive innovation in security and data privacy, which are open to all employees. Security and privacy is an ever-evolving area, and Google recognizes that dedicated employee engagement is a key means of raising awareness. One example is “Privacy Week,” during which Google hosts events across global—oices—to—raise—awareness—of—privacy—in—all—facets,—from—software— development, data handling and policy enforcement to living our privacy principles. Google also hosts regular “Tech Talks” focusing on subjects that often include security and privacy. 2