Driver audit log The Driver Audit Log lists every time your domain’s users view, create, update, delete, or share Drive content. This includes content you create in Google Docs, Sheets, Slides and other G Suite products, as well as content created elsewhere that you upload to Drive, such—as—PDFs—and—Word—iles. Drive content compliance / alerting G Suite has an additional feature that allows Administrators—to—keep—track—of—when—speciic— actions are taken in Drive and can set up custom Drive alerts. So if you want to know when—a—ile—containing—the—word—Ȋconidentialȋ—in—the—title—is—shared—outside—the—company,— now you’ll know. And there are more events coming to Drive audit, including download, print and preview alerts. Trusted domains for drive sharing G Suite and G Suite for Education administrators will allow for Domain Whitelisting. End users can share to those trusted domains, but can’t share to other external domains. Great for partnerships, subsidiaries or other arrangements where certain domains are trusted and users are allowed to share to them. Email Security features Secure transport (TLS) enforcement G—Suite—administrators—can—require—that—email—to—or—from—speciic—domains or email addresses be encrypted with Transport Layer Security (TLS). For instance, a customer organization may choose to transmit all messages to its outside legal counsel via a secure connection.—If—TLS—is—not—available—at—a—speciied—domain,—inbound—mail—will—be—rejected—and— outbound mail will not be transmitted. Phishing prevention Spammers can sometimes forge the “From” address on an email message so that it appears to come from a reputable organization’s domain. Known as phishing, this practice is often an attempt to collect sensitive data. To help prevent phishing, Google participates in the DMARC program, which lets domain owners tell email providers how to handle unauthenticated messages from their domain. G Suite customers can implement DMARC by creating a DMARC record within their admin settings and implementing an SPF record and DKIM keys on all outbound mail streams. 18